Mission Statement

  To educate a diverse audience that includes Veteran groups, civic organizations, business leaders, educational institutions, youth groups and the general public on the importance of Memorial Day. The United Military Veterans of Kings County will schedule, plan and execute an annual parade on Memorial Day to include a memorial service to honor and remember those who lost their lives in the defense of our nation. Throughout the year, the United Military Veterans of Kings County will promote the significant impact and contributions all Veterans have made throughout our nations history. 

  Our mission also includes highlighting the Veteran Suicide epidemic. It has been reported 17-22 Veterans commit suicide a day. ONE IS TOO MANY. The UMVKC will promote all the programs available for those in need to obtain help. These Veterans are casualties of war and should be given all the help they deserve. Our U.S. military has a long-standing commitment to "leave no one behind" on the battlefield, which is expressed through the Latin phrase nemo resideo. This ethos recognizes that no combat-related injury, death, or missing troop is to be disregarded. If you are at risk, or know someone who is at risk, don’t hesitate to call or text 988, Veterans Suicide hotline

We also will address the Veteran Homeless situation in our city, directing those in need to the proper agency for assistance. All Veterans raised their hands and swore an oath to defend our country. The very least we can do is give them direction and help them find the services they are entitled to for their selfless service to our nation. If you are a Veteran who is experiencing homelessness or at risk for homelessness, call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 877-4AID-VET (877-424-3838). Visit VA.gov/homeless to learn about housing initiatives and other programs for Veterans exiting homelessness

Parade Route

Brooklyn’s 158th Memorial Day Parade on May 26, 2025 will step off promptly at 11:00AM on 3rd Ave. & 78th Street, and proceed down 3rd Ave. to Marine Ave. up to 4th Ave. and over to John Paul Jones Park for our memorial service that includes Bag Pipes, Flag Raising, Wreath Laying by Veteran Service Organizations, a 21-gun Salute by the Veteran Corps of Artillery and the playing of Taps.


Call to March


All Veterans, bands, civic and corporate groups, schools and church groups, and motorcycle clubs are invited to participate in Brooklyn's 158th Memorial Day Parade on May 26, 2025.

Our 2025 general membership meetings will be held at Greenwood Park, 555 7th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 starting at 6:30PM on Wednesday April 9, 2025 & Wednesday May 7, 2025.

For more information call 1-718-833-8923 and give your name and the name of the organization you represent and someone will get back to you.


lest we forget

1895 Memorial Day Parade Brooklyn

Abraham Lincoln pondered these thoughts in the late fall of 1863. His darkest fear was that he might well be the last president of the United States, a nation embroiled in the self-destruction of what he described as "a great civil war..testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure." He began his remarks with those words as he stood on the battlefield near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on November 19th of that year. The minute's speech that became known as Lincoln's Gettysburg Address turned into what might be called the first observance of Memorial Day. Lincoln's purpose that day was to dedicate a portion of the battlefield as a cemetery for the thousands of men, both living and dead, who consecrated that soil in the sacrifice of battle. Said Abraham Lincoln, "That from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause which they gave the last full measure of devotion...that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom..."

The next year, on a pleasant Sunday in October of 1864, a teenage girl, Emma Hunter, gathered flowers in a Boalsburg, Pennsylvania cemetery to place on the grave of her father. He was a surgeon who had died in service to the Union Army in that great Civil War. Nearby, Mrs. Elizabeth Meyer was strewing flowers upon the grave of her son Amos, a private who had fallen on the last day of the battle of Gettysburg. Emma respectfully took a few of her flowers and put them on the grave of Amos. Mrs. Meyer, in turn, laid some of her freshly cut blooms on the grave of Dr. Hunter. Both women felt a lightening of their burdens by this act of honoring each other's loss, and agreed to meet again the next year. This time they agreed they would also visit the graves of those who had no one left to honor them. Both Emma Hunter and Elizabeth Meyer returned to the cemetery in Boalsburg on the day they had agreed, Independence Day, July 4, 1865. This time, though, they found themselves joined by nearly all the residents of the town. Dr. George Hall, a clergyman, offered a sermon, and the community joined in decorating every grave in the cemetery with flowers and flags. The custom became an annual event at Boalsburg, and it wasn't long before neighboring communities established their own "Decoration Day" each spring.

About that same time in 1865, a druggist in Waterloo, New York, Henry C. Welles, began promoting the idea of decorating the graves of Civil War veterans. He gained the support of the Seneca County Clerk, General John B. Murray, and they formed a committee to make wreaths, crosses and bouquets for each veteran's grave. On May 5, 1866, war veterans marching to martial music led processions to each of three cemeteries, where the graves were decorated and speeches were made by General Murray and local clergymen. The village itself was also decorated with flags at half-mast, evergreen boughs and mourning black streamers.

Also, as the Civil War was coming to a close in the spring of 1865, Women's Auxiliaries of the North and South moved from providing relief to the families and soldiers on their own sides to joining in efforts to preserve and decorate the graves of both sides. A woman of French extraction and leader of the Virginia women's movement, Cassandra Oliver Moncure, took responsibility of coordinating the activities of several groups into a combined ceremony on May 30. It is said that she picked that day because it corresponded to the Day of Ashes in France, a solemn day that commemorates the return of the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte to France from St. Helena.

In 1868, General John A. Logan, first commander of the Grand Army of the Republic issued a General Order establishing May 30 as an official memorial day to pay respect to all those who had died, in war or peace. His order was that the men in his command should spend a portion of that day policing the gravesites, decorating them and supporting whatever ceremonies they could. He hoped that this would spark enough interest to make Memorial Day a permanent national observance. In the intervening decades, Memorial Day has been observed every year, though the day was re-established from May 30 to the last Monday in May.

In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson also sanctioned Waterloo, New York as the "official" birthplace of Memorial Day because of the extensive ceremonies established there in 1866. Perhaps General Logan was simply making official what the nation yearned for and spontaneously began to form after the near total destruction of the Civil War. It is that sharing of loss, honoring the sacrifices of those who made possible the lives we enjoy today, and family connections across the generations that keep Memorial Day in our hearts...and always will.

The United Military Veterans of Kings County is the successor to Veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic, Mexican American War Veterans, Spanish-American War Veterans and the United War Veterans. The Kings County Memorial Day Parade has been held in Brooklyn, New York since 1867. It is considered to be the oldest, continuously run Memorial Day Parade in a large city in the nation. The parade route was along Eastern Parkway until 1985, then along Prospect Park West for a few years until the parade was moved to Bay Ridge because of its close proximity to the US Army Garrison Fort Hamilton, which is the only active duty military installation in New York City. The memorial service held at the end of the parade in Fort Hamilton was moved to John Paul Jones Park, Canonball Park, adjacent to the US Army Fort Hamilton Garrihson in 2000. The emotional service includes bag pipes, wreath laying by Veteran Service Organizations, raising of our nations flag, a 21-gun salute by the Veteran Corps of Artillery and the playing of Echo Taps.  

In 2012 the United Military Veterans of Kings County formally became a 501 (C)(3) not-for-profit corporation. Since 2013 UMVKC has been able to include floats in the parade to give Veterans who are unable to march in the parade the opportunity to join their brothers and sisters in arms in the line of march. UMVKC has also increased the number of local high school and local marching groups to march to remember the fallen. In 2017 UMVKC celebrated its sesquicentennial, proudly marching in Brooklyn for 150 years. Our Grand Marshals were Lieutenant General John Tobin and Prisco DeAngelis, a Korean War Veteran and two time purple heart recipient who has marched in the parade for over 60 years.

who we are

 our mission

To educate a diverse audience that includes Veteran groups, civic organizations, business leaders, educational institutions, youth groups and the general public on the importance of Memorial Day. The United Military Veterans of Kings County will schedule, plan and execute an annual parade on Memorial Day to include a memorial service to honor and remember those who lost their lives in the defense of our nation. Throughout the year, the United Military Veterans of Kings County will promote the significant impact and contributions all Veterans have made throughout our nations history. 

  Our mission also includes highlighting the Veteran Suicide epidemic. It has been reported 17-22 Veterans commit suicide a day. ONE IS TOO MANY. The UMVKC will promote all the programs available for those in need to obtain help. These Veterans are casualties of war and should be given all the help they deserve. Our U.S. military has a long-standing commitment to "leave no one behind" on the battlefield, which is expressed through the Latin phrase nemo resideo. This ethos recognizes that no combat-related injury, death, or missing troop is to be disregarded. If you are at risk or if you know of someone at risk, call or text 988, the Veteran Suicide hotline.   

We also will address the Veteran Homeless situation in our city, directing those in need to the proper agency for assistance. All Veterans raised their hands and swore an oath to defend our country. The very least we can do is give them direction and help them find the services they are entitled to for their selfless service to our nation. If you are a Veteran who is experiencing homelessness or at risk for homelessness, call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 877-4AID-VET (877-424-3838). Visit VA.gov/homeless to learn about housing initiatives and other programs for Veterans exiting homelessness.

our team

Mr. Peter De Angelis
Chairman Emeritas




Mr. Cary Spickler


email: freakinsound@yahoo.com

Mr. Raymond P. Aalbue






email: lonniesdelon@gmail.com

Ms. Connie Ranocchia




Mr. Ted General
Public Relations




Contact Us

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, marching at the parade, or if you have general questions about what we do, please use the contact form below to send us a message.
